Interview Skills

Interview Skills Activities For Students

02 Oct 2021


Interview Skills

Some interviews are very informal, while others are very structured. Candidates can be called before a selection committee while others will participate in group scenarios. The company can also combine several types of interviews to allow candidates to evolve in various situations.
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As a student or a fresh graduate, you get some interview opportunities through hard work. However, you don't know what to say in front of the interviewer and how to perform well. Don't worry, here are great interview skills for you to easily get your interview done.

Teachers also play a role in preparing students for interviews. In her book titled “Encouragement in the classroom”, Joan Young stated that students should be built with community and physical rituals. This is true because it is important to remind them that we are all social and physical creatures in a bid to prepare them for activities like interviews. 

Before the interview:

In the interview process, expression skills, thinking and judgment skills, interpersonal communication skills, sense of responsibility and emotional control skills, resilience, cooperative spirit, and self-confidence are all areas of focus.

The success of the interview depends on meticulous preparation before the interview. Questions often involve learning situations, professional expertise, practical work, career planning, personality tendencies, dealing with others, etc.

Understand the unit you are applying for and the position you are applying for in the future, analyze your personal strengths in-depth, list your own advantages and disadvantages for the position you are applying for, and figure out why you should apply for the unit? What can you do for your unit? Understand what the examiner will examine during the interview? What questions will be asked? How will you answer?

Bring your resume, recommendation form, and other relevant materials. The content filled in the job application form should be memorized and may be asked during the interview. Don't forget to bring paper and a pen to record important information or key data. Please do not bring people with you, otherwise, it will leave an impression of a lack of confidence and independence on the unit. Don't be late, but arrive 15 minutes early, and be fully prepared mentally and physically.

Treat others politely, keep a good posture after sitting down, don't look around.

During the interview:

A study by the University of California, Los Angeles showed that 7% of the impressions left by individuals depend on words, 38% on sound quality, and 55% on nonverbal communication. During the interview, proper use of non-verbal communication skills will bring you more results with less effort.

Close the door

When your name is called, knock on the door to enter. Two knocks are more standard. After entering the door, do not close the door with your hands. Turn around and face the door and close the door gently with your hands. Then turned around, leaned forward about 30 degrees, bowed to the interviewer, and said "Hello, teacher" with a smile, polite and decent.


Wait until the examiner has signaled you to sit down before you sit down and say "Thank you". The sitting posture is also exquisite. "Stand like loose and sit like a clock." The correct sitting posture should be two-thirds of the seated chair, with the body upright and slightly forward. Straighten your waist, bring your knees together, and place your hands on it naturally.


During the interview, you should be fully focused, and your eyes should always be on the interviewer, without saying anything, showing confidence and respect for the other person. Pay attention to eye contact, this is not only a sign of mutual respect, but also a better way to get some information and reach a tacit understanding with the interviewer's actions.

The correct expression of the eyes should be: look at the other person politely, the part of the gaze is the examiner’s nose and eye triangle (social area); the eyes are calm and energetic, focused and not rigid; if there are several interviewers present, when talking Look at other people appropriately to show respect and equality. 


Listen carefully when the other person speaks during the interview, and be patient: even on a common topic that you know a lot about. Concentrate: Fully concentrate, and give an understanding and agreeable response from time to time, indicating that you are interested in his topic. Careful: Find out the meaning that he did not express from the other party's words, and give the correct answer based on the actual meaning of the question and the overtones.


Smiling is a confident step and can also relieve you of tension. When paying attention and listening to the other person, smiling will enhance communication with the interviewer, improve your external image, and improve your relationship with the interviewer. Pleasing facial expressions show a person's optimism, open-mindedness, and self-confidence, which helps to increase the success rate of job applications.


If the external image is the business card of an interview, then language is the second business card. It reflects a person's cultural quality and connotation accomplishment. The other party will talk in the interview to infer whether you have real talents, good adaptability, reasoning and judgment abilities, and an attitude of being in the world. Therefore, when answering questions, the following points should be grasped:

 (a) Pay attention to tone, intonation, and speed of speech

       A gentle and smooth tone, a mellow tone, and a decent speed are not only conducive to better express your ideas but also can give people a beautiful enjoyment and leave a good impression on the other party.

 (b) Grasp the key points, be concise and clear

       To highlight your unique personality and specialties, under normal circumstances, answer questions before conclusions and discussion. First, express your central meaning clearly, and then make narratives and arguments, clearly organized and well-founded.

 (c) Confirm the content and avoid unanswered questions

        During the interview, if you did not listen to the question raised by the chief examiner for a while, and you do not know what to answer, you can repeat the question and talk about your own understanding of the question first, and ask the other party to confirm the question. We must clarify questions that are not very clear so that we can have a definite target and avoid turning around and answering the wrong questions.

 (d) Have personal opinions and characteristics

        The chief examiner receives several applicants, asks the same questions several times, and listens to similar answers several times. Only answers with unique personal insights and characteristics will attract the interest and attention of the other party.

(e) Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing

      When you encounter problems that you don’t know, don’t understand, or don’t know in an interview, it is not advisable to be silent, far-fetched, and pretending to understand. If you honestly and frankly admit your shortcomings, you will be forgiven and favored by the examiner.

(f) Language skills to answer difficult questions

       In the interview, when you encounter some difficult and really difficult questions, you can adopt some techniques to effectively "evade" in order to get rid of the predicament. For example, on sensitive issues like salary, we can protect ourselves with vague language, "I heard that the market for this position is probably ┄┄" so that whether right or wrong comes from hearsay, not from my own thoughts.

After the interview:

Regardless of success or failure, a summary will be inspiring and helpful to you. Don't forget to thank the employer for giving you an interview opportunity. For example, if you write a “Thank You” letter after the interview, you may have unexpected results.

These are some tips on how to pass your interview easily and without stress. If you have no idea what to dwell upon during the interview, do not waste an opportunity to get the needed professional help from a reliable essay service like that offers academic assistance with different kinds of writing and can provide you with a professional speech for the interview.

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