Fresher IT jobs in Hyderabad

22 Nov 2021



Here are a few things you can do to improve your chances of landing your first job at a reputed IT company.
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01. Create a resume that is specific to the job you are looking for. (Check out our blog at for resume writing)

02. Campus placement is one ideal option

03. Stay in touch with your college alumni network and look for freshers opportunities

04. Send your résumé to your friends, relatives, and acquaintances who work for reputed IT companies and ask them to refer you for any open positions

05. Identify experienced individuals who are already employed by your preferred companies and ask them to recommend you. 

06. Register with employment sites such as Naukri, Times jobs, Monster, and indeed

07. Look at the classified sections in the newspaper for any walk-ins that are being held and attend the interviews

08. Go to the websites of the IT companies you are interested in

09. Begin networking with corporate employees who can direct you to job opportunities

10. Checkout “job openings” section from blogs on

Note that to get your first job, CGPA alone will not help you, technical and soft skills are equally important.

We recommend that you visit our "PacketPrep" website, which is specifically designed to help you prepare for any IT job.

The website contains information on leading organisations' recruitment processes, job openings, aptitude tests, interview questions, and much more. It will help you better prepare for the job and acquire the knowledge and skills you will require.

Another key aspect for you is to work on projects. Whenever you begin to learn something, you begin working on a small project in that domain. Projects will assist you in showcasing your abilities and will aid you much during the interview process.

One sure-shot way of landing your first job is to get trained and get placed by us. Contact Packet Prep's Career Development Advisor for additional information.

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